

The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) was originally authorized as part of the CARES Act, 国会于3月27日通过的法案, 2020.  Additional aid (HEERF二世) was signed into law as a provision of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA) on December 27, 2020, 第三部分(HEERF三世)于3月11日通过美国救援计划(ARP)获得授权, 2021.   在一起, these funds provide over $72 billion dollars in support of higher education to serve students and ensure that learning continues during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

以下信息是根据联邦报告要求提供的. 教育部发布了一个新的报告模板, 截至6月30日的季度生效, 2022.  This report combines expenditures for both the student and the institutional share of emergency funds.

点击 在这里 2023年6月30日的季度预算和支出报告. 

点击 在这里 用于2023年3月31日的季度预算和支出报告. 

点击 在这里 用于2022年12月31日的季度预算和支出报告.

点击 在这里 用于2022年9月30日的季度预算和支出报告.

点击 在这里 为2022年6月30日的季度预算和支出报告.



esball世博 has signed and returned to the Department the Certification and Agreement and the assurance that the institution intends to use the applicable amount of funds designated under the CRRSAA and ARP (a)(1) and (a)(4) programs to provide Emergency 金融援助 Grants to students.

茱莉亚学院收到了647美元,5月12日8点30分, 2021 from the Department pursuant to our Certification and Agreement for Emergency Grants to Students.

  • 截至6月30日, 2021, $12,660 in emergency financial aid grants were distributed to 13 students.
  • 7月1日至9月30日, 2021, $305,向145名学生发放了384份紧急财政援助补助金.
  • 10月1日至12月31日, 2021, $70,向57名学生发放了450英镑的紧急经济援助补助金.
  • 从1月1日起, 2022年至3月31日, 2022, $109,向88名学生发放了950笔紧急经济援助补助金.

根据最近的联邦指导方针,所有学生现在都有资格申请HEERF资助. 我们预计2021年秋季学期将招收931名学生.  助学金从500美元到5000美元不等,优先给予佩尔获得者, 然后是有未偿还学生贷款债务的学生, 然后根据具体情况进行分析.

Reminders regarding HEERF availability and a link to the application was emailed to all continuing students who applied for aid for the 2021-22 as part of their financial aid renewal notifications.  6月11日,校方向所有在校生和教职员工发送了另一封电子邮件, 2021, 在学校到处张贴传单. 8月9日,另一封电子邮件被发送给2021-22年度联邦佩尔助学金获得者, 2021 and to individual students who still had outstanding fall balances after the start of the fall semester.  最近,一封电子邮件于2021年11月10日发送给佩尔奖学金获得者.

Outreach was also conducted as part of other school-wide initiatives centered around food insecurity, 未付学费余额, 即将到来的旅行提醒. These were included in weekly e-blasts to the student body and to individual students as needed.


esball世博 has signed and returned to the Department the Certification and Agreement and the assurance that the institution intends to use the applicable amount of funds designated under the CRRSAA and ARP (a)(1) and (a)(4) programs to provide Emergency 金融援助 Grants to students.

茱莉亚学院收到262美元,1月19日100, 2021 from the Department pursuant to our Certification and Agreement for Emergency Grants to Students; however, 因为esball世博要缴纳消费税, 只有50%的拨款可以使用. The remaining 50% of the amount advanced to students was funded by the institutional portion of the HEERF二世 grant as required by federal regulations.

第二轮应急基金的所有资金现已用完.  第二轮融资基金的资金分配方式如下:

  • 截至6月30日, 2021, $262,向316名学生发放了100美元的紧急财政援助补助金.

在2020-21财年开始时, approximately 615 students were eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and thus eligible to receive Emergency 金融援助 Grants to students under CRRSAA.  然而, the America Rescue Plan (ARP) expanded eligibility to include all enrolled students regardless of federal student aid eligibility.  This provision included international students and was retroactive to any remaining HEERF二世 funds. 因此,合格学生总数扩大到899人.

按照规定,优先为最困难的学生提供这些资金, we distributed checks of $700 each to 290 students who were receiving either federal Pell grants or federal student loans.  These students were emailed on May 28, 2021 notifying them of the award; no application was required.

可动用的第二次后备后备基金的剩余资金已通过申请获得.  The HEERF二世 application was revised to allow students to indicate whether they preferred that the funds be applied to their tuition balance and to explain their additional expenses and/or financial need.  助学金根据经济需要从500美元到2000美元不等.


来自联邦关怀法案的所有资金现在已经全部用完. 请参阅以下有关使用这些资金的信息.


Each institution applying for HEERF funds is directed to comply with Section 18004(e) of the CARES Act and submit an initial report (the “30-day Fund Report”) to the Secretary thirty (30) days from the date of the institution’s Certification and Agreement to the Department. “30天基金报告”信息如下[2021年7月10日更新]

esball世博 has signed and returned to the Department the Certification and Agreement and the assurance that the institution intends to use no less than 50 percent of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to provide Emergency 金融援助 Grants to students.

茱莉亚学院已收到262美元,100 from the Department pursuant to our Certification and Agreement for Emergency Grants to Students.  资金按下列方式分配(累计):

  • As of June 10, 2020, $117,825 in emergency financial aid grants were distributed to 148 students.
  • As of July 24, 2020, $151,960 in emergency financial aid grants were distributed to 184 students.
  • 截至9月30日, 2020, $193,向218名学生发放了310美元的紧急经济援助补助金.
  • As of December 31, 2021, $220,810 in emergency financial aid grants were distributed to 235 students.
  • As of March 31, 2021, $256,210 in emergency financial aid grants were distributed to 243 students.
  • 截至6月30日, 2021, 所有262美元,向245名学生发放了100美元的紧急财政援助补助金.

2019-20财年, approximately 586 students were eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and thus are eligible to receive Emergency 金融援助 Grants to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act.  在2020-21财年,有615名符合条件的学生入学.

5月11日,所有在校生都收到了一封初始邮件, 2020, 通知他们补助金, 包括在我们网站上张贴的简短申请的链接. 还开展了额外的宣传活动,鼓励符合佩尔资格的学生申请.  奖学金金额从500美元到1000美元不等,优先考虑最贫困的学生. Reminders were sent throughout the summer along with financial aid notifications for the upcoming year.  2020-21学年, 9月2日发送了一封提醒邮件, 2020 to all enrolled students for the fall 2020 semester along with additional outreach to Pell-eligible students. 最近的提醒于2020年12月7日发送给所有学生.

Students were required to itemize the additional expenses caused by the disruption of campus operations and certify that they would spend the funds as indicated on their application.  Students who had not filed a FAFSA for the current award year were required to do so before they could be considered for the funds.

点击 在这里 查阅2020年9月30日关于HEERF基金机构部分的披露.

点击 在这里 参阅2020年12月31日披露的HEERF基金的机构部分. 

点击 在这里 有关HEERF基金机构部分的披露,请参阅2021年3月31日.

点击 在这里 有关HEERF基金机构部分的披露,请参阅2021年6月30日.

点击 在这里 有关HEERF基金机构部分的披露,请参阅2021年9月30日.

点击 在这里 关于HEERF基金的机构部分的披露,日期为2021年12月31日.

点击 在这里 查看2022年3月31日披露的HEERF基金的机构部分.

最后更新,6月11日,星期四. 29, 2023, 01:14PM